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Loving Wife is the fifth mission of Sniper Assassin II: Long Range Killing Machine.


Shawn gets hired by an old woman to kill her rich husband so she can receive his wealth. Shawn accepts and trudges to the park, trying to think about how he can kill the old man without making it look like an assassination.


I'm a very patient woman, but my old and rich husband just won't die! 90 years of age but still got the lung power to jog every morning!

I'm not getting any younger and I want his wealth transferred to me as soon as possible. He already prepared his will (with my help) all that's left now is the reason why I hired you.

Make it look like an accident; I don't want cops breathing on my neck for this.


A scheming wife hired Shawn to assassinate her 90 year old husband, who is still healthy, for the inheritance money. The client specifically ask Shawn to make her husband death an accident to prevent heat from the police.

Mission Details[]

The assassination takes place in a park alongside a trail with trees and two park benches in it. The target is the client's husband, a senior man. He jogs every morning. Shawn uses his standard M107 SASR .50 calibre sniper.


This mission notably breaks standard for the series, as for the first time sniping the target won't work. Instead, Shawn must examine his surroundings to find a suitable alternative. On the tree to the right, there is a branch sprouting towards the left into two branches. The base of the branch must be shot at the moment that the target is under it. The target moves quickly, so it may be hard to time.f

Failure Message[]

  • Make the kill look like an accident. Huge things that fall from the sky can kill you.


  • This is the first mission in the series where Shawn does not kill his target by directly sniping them.