Sniper Assassin Wiki

Prison Break is the fourth mission in Sniper Assassin: Long Range Killing Machine.


With the death of the first two traitors, the third and final one goes to rather extreme measures to elude the Grim Reaper. He punches a cop in town square in a blind panic, getting himself subdued and arrested. Life in jail may not have been great, but it is absolutely preferable to paying the ultimate price.

On Friday, he is placed on a bus to get transferred to a new prision. He belives his troubles are over. With limited time to prove him wrong, however, Shawn gets on the case. He uncovers multiple details about the traitor, including his last name. None of it seems useful, but knowing Shawn, he'll find a way to make it work...


Now the last of the traitors got so terrified of getting killed that he had himself arrested by punching a police. He's now being held in the state prison.

He will be transferred at another prison this Friday, the prsioners to ride the bus are piled alphabetically A-Z, his lastname is Geofovitch.

Mission Details[]

The assassination takes place at a state prison surrounded by guards, making sure the prisoners are transferred safely.

The target is the final double agent within the government agency and a prisoner who is being transferred to another prison at the time of the assassination. The target has the last name Geovitch, and he is in a line based on alphabetical order.


The prisoners are loaded onto the bus in alphabetical order. Given the target's last name, "Geovitch", the target is the seventh prisoner to enter the bus.

Failure Message[]

(When shooting a guard or the wrong prisoner) You killed and innocent person)

Sucess Message[]

Now back to business...